Copyright ©1998-2023 Aboca S.p.a.Società Agricola P.I. 01704430519


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we want you to enter our world full of history, innovation, scientific, artistic and cultural initiatives and of people who believe in what they do.

Aboca is constantly engaged in research to draw effective solutions to human health problems from the enormous potential of nature, in training and education to spread knowledge about pathophysiology and natural solutions; in events and conferences to have a continuous and fruitful exchange with healthcare professionals and consumers.

In these pages you will find some information about all this, as well as useful advice on medicinal plants, a healthy lifestyle and health in general.

These pages are therefore not aimed at going into the details of products, in full compliance with the regulations governing advertising on medical devices and food supplements.

The health tips that we provide will be informative only and not for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. They do not in any way replace the opinion of a treating physician and cannot respond to personal health needs.